Showing posts with label cafes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cafes. Show all posts

July 11, 2011

where i hang out often in paris


A little place called Sweat Shop *lol* which offers sewing machines for rent & classes as well. I've gone there a few times & it's the perfect place to turn my sketches into purses & bags. Plus everyone is really friendly... their creativity blows my mind. There was a girl who sewed her wedding dress from scratch! For sure there are no copycats here, only hardworking girls who hate copycats as much as me woopteedoo.

cafe pics from Google

Plus a little cafe to recharge, enjoy a cake & coffee!

If this isnt heaven, then i dont know what is. ♥

February 20, 2011

afternoon tea Vol. 1


In the depths of winter, i wandered along the Left Bank and found tucked away near Notre Dame, a gem of an english bookshop.


I had a chat with the guy manning the till, and he told me it was founded in 1951 and that aspiring writers could stay there above the bookshop and write to their hearts' content.


The place was crammed with English books, both new & used. Everywhere you turned, there were books. I must have stayed there for 2 hours, just reading and browsing.


Up the rickety stairs I go & we come to the smoky reading room. All the books are wonderfully old and not for sale, only for reading.


Happy bookworm. Being in the presence of books makes one very happy i think. I don't think I could ever be friends with someone who didn't like to read.


A little dark alcove where you can sit & type out letters.


And for those looking for a little respite, a wonderfully worn bed/sofa where you could sit & read or write. Heaven, isn't it?


And of course, a piping hot earl grey in my favourite tea-room in Paris, while relishing my books. Bliss xxx

February 1, 2011

beautiful weekend


On my way to brunch at the Marais  with Celine... my favorite part of Paris cos shops & cafes are open on Sundays! We go to Le Loir dans la Theiere.. a bustling tea room with snaking queues.. & horrendous Parisian service lol.


Delicious scrambled eggs with bacon & toast & natural yoghurt with apple compote... & fresh croissants & pain au chocolat... all washed down with freshly squeezed OJ & strong coffee. Yummy & sinful! :) Don't ask how we finished it all but we did. O_o


My beautiful friend, both inside & out... She always listens to my whining with patience & wisdom.. Merci sweetie..


She bought me a cute necklace from London & i made her purses ♥


The light was intoxicating that day... but the weather oh so cold... -2 degrees!


Hope you had a beautiful weekend too xxx

October 3, 2010

sunday brunch



Poached eggs & asparagus & a whole heap of rocket, Sunday late brunch with your best friend is one of the best things in life.

March 18, 2010

K ki cafe

Afternoon coffee.

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K Ki Cafe (it means cake in Japanese)... a small pretty cafe on Ann Siang Hill in Singapore.

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Mont Blanc... chestnut bits & fresh cream in a satisfying dollop.

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Latte with a coconut sable. Great for fighting jet lag.

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Pretty shophouses along the street... I love the windows.

I wish you were here with me.

March 16, 2010



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In the 3eme arrondissement of Paris lies a little gem of a charity store called Merci. Set up by the founders of Bonpoint, the charity helps needy women in Madagascar.

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It is a bright airy space filled with used clothes, wooden beams & floors, tables, knick-knacks, stationery & lots of Parisians. They were having a collaboration with Liberty & everywhere you went, Liberty prints & fabrics were begging to be bought & used.

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I loved the little corner where Merci & Annick goutal make perfumes. I got myself a lovely fresh jasmine scent.

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But my favorite part of Merci... and the one reason i will keep coming back... is the used book cafe.

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It is HEAVEN. Imagine having a cuppa while surrounded by floor-to-ceiling shelves of old books, sitting on old sofas & tables.. i was so happy!

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Waiting for a table... the service was so good, food delicious, prices cheap, & all the books cost between 2-10 euros!

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I ordered organic eggs with toast & Echire butter.. which is to me, the best butter you can find on earth.. plus a cafe creme... followed by another... it was utter bliss.

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I left with an old children's book printed in 1877!! Definitely a treasure to keep.

If ever you are in Paris, please drop by the Merci used book cafe & say bonjour to the books... I cant wait to return again.

May 3, 2009


Brunch, Riders cafe.

Party of 5 became a team of 3.

What a nice way to start the day.


See u back there again?