Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

July 30, 2008

Hawaii part I

Checkin into paradise.. Our hotel is small and clean and about 15mins walk from the town of Kailua-Kona, which is on the west coast of the Big island.
It has no Internet, TV or air-con... which suits me just fine... but my best friend had a hard time adjusting on the first day haha. Seeing that there are many 5 star resorts along this part of the island, I definitely don't eschew luxury but i'll still take simplicity any time, especially in a place like Hawaii.

The hotel has a wonderful rep among locals and repeat visitors alike. I love it. Our room is just next to the ocean and the crash of the surf greets you when you open your eyes and is the last thing you hear and see before you fall asleep. On the first night, we wondered if the surf will crash over the seawall but we gradually got lulled to sleep from the waves.

The thing I love about the Big island is, it has more than just beaches and so it is with excitement that we went for a hike along the rim of Waipio Valley with Rob, our very cute guide.

Looking out into the valley... which many people have claimed to be Eden.

There are only a handful of farmers living in the valley but it opens to a black sand beach at the valley mouth which we see later.. it's amazing.

Coolin off in a waterfall deep in the rainforest... heavenly! We clamber over rocks in our bare feet and i imagine that the natives of long ago would have done the same... it was fun and scary at the same time.

The coastline and the mouth of Waipio Valley.

After a 4 hour hike, we waited for the Hele-on bus to bring us back to Kona... I try Elmo's punch!

The ride back along the North Kohala coast.

Hitting the beach in the morning!

I love the Pacific surf!

The sun is unforgiving and we turn brown very soon.
The locals thought we were Japanese but after a few days, people started askin if we lived there. Everyone in Kona is brown!

It's a nice life, just living in your bikini and flipflops everyday, not caring how u look. You can wear a tattered top and no one looks strangely at you. Our hair is always wet and tangly, be it from the pool or the surf. Everyone is laid-back and life runs to a different beat.

We stand on the roadside and hitch rides into town everyday and the locals are so friendly and warm... picking us up and dropping us off a few mins later.

Everyone has a different story on how they got here... some were born and raised here, many came as tourists, fell in love with Hawaii and moved here.
Would we be one of them we wonder?

part II coming up soon x


To say that Hawaii is the most beautiful place on earth would be an understatement. All children should grow up there. Looking for nature and a well-deserved break, i skipped the ever-popular Waikiki beach in Oahu and headed for the Big Island, known also as Hawai'i, the largest one in the Hawaiian island chain and from where the state takes its name.

It is a land of sun-drenched coastlines and beaches, lush rainforests, beautiful valleys and active volcanoes... Having travelled 16 hours via Manila and Honolulu, I finally stepped foot on Kona. My best friend met me at the airport... she had flown halfway round the world from London to spend my birthday with me. We were truly in one of the last few paradises found on earth. Have about 400 photos to look through.. will update soon xx

March 17, 2008


Times square.. a heady mix of neon billboards and people.

Empire state building

At Ground zero, site of the former World trade center.

The NYc subway... quite an experience in itself. It is dingy with a capital D.

I drink more starbucks in 3 days than i ever do in a whole month back home.

Rockefeller center.

@ Top of the rock... 70th storey of rockefeller center.. manhattan is laid out in all its splendor.

The ice skating rink in front of the centre... i really like it alot.. i think it's my fave spot in NYC.

Central park... the lung of manhattan.

I dont say much in this post because i'm really not in the mood. Plus i have been working hard the past 2 weeks and i leave for frankfurt in 2 days. Have not packed yet.
Till the next time xxx

September 18, 2007


Welcome to the land of blue skies and palm trees.

Junichiro comes up to Anaheim from San diego. I have terrible jet lag and only managed 4hrs of sleep in 2 days, but the beach perks me up instantly!

A surfer catches the wave while the rest patiently wait for the next one

Summer is never too far away in LA...

Next up: Meeting Fuji-san and the most beautiful sunrise in my life.


May 23, 2007

Napa Valley

Summer in san francisco =

Afternoons at union square, people-watching, shopping, cuppas, cool breezes, hotdogs, tram rides..

Wine country, dazzling blue skies, vineyard tours.

Viansa - a well-known vineyard in the Napa valley region

Its italian decor & lovely views ensure that it's always popular for weddings and private functions.

Gettin some cool respite from the heat amongst the french oaks

Too much free wine and the blistering heat makes u very sleepy indeed.

and *burp* silly too.